7 Strategies to Renew Your Health in 2019

I often hear others comment, “It’s too late to make a change now.  I’m too old!”  Worse yet, so many people actually believe that, but I don’t!  I believe that it is never too late to change.  You are never too old or out of shape to make improvements and renew your life.  Being healthy and aging well is not a single choice to be made once and then never re-visited.  It is a series of constant choices that add up to a way of living and constant renewal.

Aging well encompasses all of the following aspects of our being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  It also includes the community around us.  This year, choose to make small consistent choices to renew these areas of your life.  This will make all of the difference in aging well.  Each person’s physical journey as he/she ages is different.  Taking consistent and appropriate action now can vastly change future outcomes.  Continue Reading