Why You Should Take Time to Focus on Your Health

The United States spends more money by a wide margin than any other country on health care.  Our health care system is set up to keep us from dying, not thriving.  Our average life span barely makes it in the top 30 when compared to other nations.  As it stands now, the American health care system is poorly equipped to help us maximize our health span.  Health span is defined as a period of time in which a person is generally healthy and free from serious disease.

Health care costs in America continue to increase without actual positive change in our health status as consumers.  It is imperative that we take a leadership role in our own health care by continuing to be proactive.  Part of being proactive is learning how to care for and manage common non-life threatening injuries and illnesses.  The medical system is not designed to help you to maximize your health and well-being.  It is designed to prevent you from dying and to maximize profits for the corporatocracy that controls our health care system.  It is imperative that we manage our health by learning how to self-treat non-life threatening and non-emergent injuries and illnesses.  Continue reading to discover the 6 reasons Why You Should Take Time to Focus on Your Health.