5 Tips to Ease Neck and Shoulder Pain

Neck and shoulder pain are one the most common ailments faced by people these days. That having been said, it can be mysterious, too. Pinpointing the exact cause for shoulder or neck problems can be particularly tricky as the underlying cause of the pain may be due to many differing factors. Discover the most common causes of neck and shoulder pain and tips on how to prevent and eliminate the pain.

The 21st century goes hand-in-hand with the parabolic rise of technology. Nowadays, tablets, cellphones, TV’s, computers, and even smart-watches dominate our daily lives. We are accompanied by our cellphone wherever we go, our emails are sure to follow, and we – more often than not – end the day lounging in front of the TV.

Here’s the problem though: all of this tech is actually having a damaging effect on your shoulder and neck health. Why? Well, looking down at our phones, arching our necks at the TV screen, trying desperately to avoid the glare on our tablet screens – these all add up. Our muscles are stretched and moved in peculiar ways, all of which take their toll on our muscles, ligaments, and joints. We ache and experience pain a lot more frequently as we increasingly handle our technological devices incorrectly.

In addition to the rise of technology, we have also lost valuable time connecting with our bodies. Most people don’t really stretch, nor do they do much activity. We have become a sedentary nation, for the most part, and our necks and shoulders tell that story. As a people, we just aren’t moving our muscles and joints enough, and the aches and pains you may be experiencing in your neck and shoulders may well be the result of a lack of activity.

It is also important to mention diet: what are you eating on a daily basis? Diets filled with fatty foods or an overload of simple carbohydrates (or even diets that just aren’t balanced and don’t provide the nutrients your body needs) will directly affect your health. Your neck and shoulders will ache if you aren’t feeding yourself the right anti-inflammatory foods.

It is clear, then, that while we’re living in a time defined by a technological rat-race, we need to take a step back and make some serious changes. Your neck and shoulder health may well be directly related to the everyday habits you’ve forged together with technology, diet, and lifestyle. Luckily, it’s possible to start making changes right now. 

5 Tips to Ease Neck and Shoulder Pain:

Watch your PC and Phone Posture

What is your posture like when you use your computer? Do you have a desktop or laptop? These are very serious considerations when it comes to neck and/or shoulder pain. If you’re using a desktop, make sure your screen is in alignment with your eyes, thereby avoiding forward head movements and incorrect posture which could lead to pain. If, on the other hand, you’re using a laptop, avoid lying down when you’re typing or watching TV. This particular posture forces your head forward, thereby placing immense pressure on your neck muscles as they are pushed into an unnatural position. Rather, use a desk if you can.

Try to limit the time you sit in front of your PC to chunks of around 20 minutes. In addition, make sure that your phone posture is monitored. Never stoop, and always try to keep your phone at eye level with your neck and spine aligned. Always stretch after using technologies like these for long durations of time. Please refer to Got Text Neck?

Sleeping Habits

The way you sleep often directly affects the muscles in your shoulders and neck. Incorrect sleeping habits are one of the biggest culprits in shoulder and neck pain. Sleeping with too many pillows places stress on your neck muscles and actually puts your back and neck out of alignment which can cause pain.

Try sleeping with a pillow that evenly aligns your spine with your neck. It may take some getting used to, but it’s worth it. Also, sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees is incredibly effective for relieving neck and shoulder pain. Why? Because stress is no longer placed on those two areas, and the weight of the body is evenly distributed along the spine and legs. Please refer to How to Choose the Right Pillow.

Even Distribution of Weight

Without knowing it, many carry their handbags on one side of the body. What about shopping bags? Maybe even our trusty laptop bag. When we carry weight on one side of our bodies the other overcompensates, thereby leading to pain in our shoulders and necks.

It’s very important that weight is distributed evenly. Try carrying shopping bags equally on both sides of the body or switching the side you carry your bags on. This is an absolutely vital step in your journey towards a pain-free life. Please refer to Backpacks = Back Pain?

Diet Matters

Be aware of the types of food you’re eating whether it is fast food, fatty foods, sugary foods, or even salty foods. Cutting down on the types of low-nutrient meals you consume will greatly benefit in relieving pain. Try introducing more seeds, berries, and other anti-inflammatory foods into your diet. Dark, leafy greens, broccoli, eggplant, and sweet potatoes are fantastic additions to your meals. Please refer to How to Leverage your Nutrition to Train Harder and Recover Faster.


Moving your body is one of the best ways of getting rid of your neck and shoulder pain. Stretch, move, exercise, and incorporate as much activity as you can – the key to health is to move!

If you want to learn how to stretch and self-mobilize the thoracic spine, be sure to check out My Top 8 Stretches to Eliminate Neck, Upper Back, and Shoulder Pain. By subscribing to my e-mail list, you will automatically gain access to this FREE resource. Download the .pdf file, which is full of photos and exercise instructions, to get started!

Chronic neck and shoulder pain can be debilitating. If you continue to experience pain, seek additional help. Don’t let the pain linger. The longer a condition is left untreated, the more potential for harm and damage which potentially could lead to a longer recovery. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is an excellent resource for learning more about physical therapy as well as locating a physical therapist in your area.

What are some of your best tips on how to ease neck and shoulder pain?  Please share below!

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