Epigenetics: Choose to Optimize Your Aging Process

How you age will in part be determined by genetic forces. These forces are strongly influenced by the lives we have led and the choices we continue to make. The key to successful aging is to be prepared and intentional as to how you want the journey to unfold.

With the sequencing of the human genome, we continue to learn more about epigenetics. Epigenetics is the science of how the modification of gene expression (rather than the alteration of the genetic code itself) can lead to vastly different outcomes in disease processes or a successful aging process.

What this new scientific field has really taught us is that nothing is known for sure. How we treat our bodies, effectively the choices we make, will potentially lead to different outcomes. In other words, we get to have a say in how we age. Our genetics are not set in stone, but instead can be influenced by our lifestyle choices. With this knowledge, we can choose to optimize our aging process. Continue Reading