Why the Squat is Fundamental to Life

Squatting is a fundamental movement. Squatting is one of the first abilities we develop as a child, and it needs to be one of the last ones we lose as we age.  Your ability to perform a squat is fundamental to how you are able to function throughout your life.

Your ability to squat is critical to your ability to function independently. In my experience of working with seniors, there are two main reasons why a person will need additional care and support: 1. The person can no longer safely get from point A to point B (this usually involves walking). 2. The person is no longer able to stand up from a sitting position.  This means he/she cannot get up and down from a chair, a toilet, or even the bed.  If you cannot perform these activities safely and independently, then you will need additional care.

The squat is a critical exercise to maintain mobility and function as we age. For more information, please refer to 7 Reasons Why the Squat is Fundamental to Life.

Do you regularly practice squatting? If not, which modified version of the squat (as demonstrated in the video) can you start implementing?  Please leave your comments below.

If you have a question that you would like featured in an upcoming blog post, please comment below or submit your question to contact@thePhysicalTherapyAdvisor.com.  Be sure to join our growing community on Facebook by liking The Physical Therapy Advisor!

How to Apply Kinesiological Tape When Treating Achilles Tendinitis

In this video, I demonstrate one method I use to tape when treating Achilles tendinitis. I recommend following these step by step instructions for Kinesiological Taping for Achilles Tendinitis. For application and removal tips, please refer to Skin Care with Taping.

For specific strategies on how to rehabilitate Achilles tendinitis, please refer to https://www.thephysicaltherapyadvisor.com/MTA. For more tips, check out my guest post, 15 Tips to Self-Treat Achilles Tendinitis, for the Marathon Training Academy.

Have you used Kinesiological tape to treat Achilles tendinitis? If so, how did it work for you? Please leave your comments below.

If you have a question that you would like featured in an upcoming blog post, please comment below or submit your question to contact@thePhysicalTherapyAdvisor.com. Be sure to join our growing community on Facebook by liking The Physical Therapy Advisor!