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Why We Can Be Our Own Worst Enemy

I must warn you that this is not the typical post from me. All of the information is true and sadly, not exaggerated in any way. My hope in documenting this true account of events is that it will help others know how to better avoid injury. If you do develop an injury, then maybe some of my self-treatment strategies could be helpful.

What most people don’t know about me is that I have struggled with low back pain (LBP) for over 20 years. Early on, I had years of constant and chronic LBP. This pain helped drive me to seek out different self-treatment methods. I began to understand LBP along with the best practices on how to self-manage and most importantly, avoid future flare-ups. This has personally helped me manage my own pain while helping thousands of others either directly with physical therapy or by sharing my book, Treating Low Back Pain during Exercise and Athletics.

Even with all my diligent efforts (most of the time), the occasional LBP flare-up occurs. Unfortunately, the last incident was due to poor judgement on my part. In early November of last year, I had been sitting a lot while working on a few projects, and my back started to ache. It was mild at first. However, by mid-month, I could hardly get out of a chair and walk.

As a physical therapist (PT) that specializes in treating LBP, I should have known better, but I chose to do what most people do. I ignored it, and pressed on. I reminded myself that I’ve had this pain before, and it typically goes away. Right then, I didn’t have time to address it.

Monday morning rolled around, and I was scheduled for my 5 mile tempo run. As any runner or exercise enthusiast knows, if it’s scheduled, then it must be done (no matter what, right?). I was sure my back would loosen up as I ran. Often times, a warm up prior to running makes it feel better. (If I was being honest, the pain was pretty bad that particular morning. It was preventing me from sitting, getting out of my car, and even walking straight. Was that a good enough reason to cancel a run?)

I managed a short walking warm up since that was all I could muster and proceeded into a slow jog. About 2 miles into my jog, my right calf started to hurt. Why stop? I was sure it would all shake loose soon…

As mile 3 approached, I was falling apart. My back hurt to the point I couldn’t stand up straight. My right calf was completely locked up. It was giving me a sharp pain with every step. The bottom of my left foot started aching. I finally shut it down and limped home.

Later that day, my calf wasn’t any better (neither was my back), and now I had full on plantar fasciitis. Pretty good start to the week, but I got that run in. By the end of the day Monday (post run), I was miserable, but I didn’t dare tell anyone.

As a PT, I should have known better. I started to analyze exactly what was going on. For some reason, my disc bulges (a pre-existing problem at L4/L5 and L5/S1) had flared up for no apparent reason and were hurting terribly. My back pain had caused a left lateral shift in my spine, which meant I couldn’t stand normally. The nerve tightness down my left leg affected my walk, so I could not fully stride out.

In hindsight, my sad attempt at a run early that morning was actually a terrible idea! I had obviously been running with a poor gait pattern. This altered gait pattern with poor running mechanics resulted in a right calf strain and the development of plantar fasciitis in my left foot. (And this all started in 3 miles!)

My initial treatment was to determine my directional preference for my lumbar spine pain:  

A directional preference is a way to identify a pattern to the pain. Does the pain get worse when you bend over or does it improve? What happens when you repeat this movement? Determine how your pain responds. If it spreads away from the spine and down into the leg, beware that you are moving in the wrong direction. Stop that particular movement, and instead try moving in the opposite direction. If you were moving into flexion, try extension. If you had trialed extension biased movements, try flexion. Find the movement pattern that helps the pain improve and that has a positive effect on any other symptoms you may be having.

I determined my directional preference. As I performed my series of movements, my symptoms were peripheralizing (returning back to the middle of my back to the point I could stand straight and walk normal).

After a series of 10 side glides followed by 10 press-ups (as demonstrated below), I could eliminate 75% of my LBP and symptoms as long as I didn’t sit. Sitting would immediately bring the pain back on. For the next several weeks, I avoided sitting at all costs including during dinner.

I also started back extensions over an exercise ball (3 sets of 15 repetitions as demonstrated below) every morning as part of a lumbar strengthening program. I chose back extensions to insure that I was working my lumbar extensor muscles. I kept my movement patterns within my directional preference. This was preceded by and followed by side glides and press-ups as well as continuing to avoiding sitting. I stopped running since I couldn’t fully walk or jog without an altered gait pattern.

For my calf, I started foam rolling and stretching regularly. I used a mobility band (as demonstrated below) as a way to provide compression while I performed heel raises (typically a set of 20-30 repetitions). Thankfully, I had the opportunity to trial a product that not only utilized the compression from the mobility band, but added a way to self-mobilize the calf. The CTM Band worked exceedingly well for this. (“CTM” stands for compression, tension, and movement.) Use code MTA15 for a 15% discount. (If you suffer from any form of blood clotting disorder or are on blood thinning medications, I would advise against utilizing mobility bands for any type of deep compression.)

For my plantar fasciitis, I also performed calf stretches as well as used a small ball (as demonstrated below on the left) to mobilize the bottom of my foot. Pain in the morning seemed to be the biggest issue, so I would sit up and stretch before getting out of bed (as demonstrated below on the right). By the end of the day, my foot would really start to hurt. Since I was unable to sit due to my back, I used a padded stool to kneel on whenever possible.

I continued this treatment plan for over 3 weeks. For the first 2 weeks, I was unable to run, so I concentrated on rehabilitation exercises only. During this time, I utilized a self-prescribed course of over-the-counter Ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory). I didn’t have any medical issues with taking this medication. Please consult your physician before taking any medications or supplements.

I also initiated a supplementation protocol consisting of adding collagen hydrolysate to my daily smoothie as well as taking CapraFlex by Mt. Capra. (It combines an organic glucosamine and chondroitin supplement with other natural herbs and enzymes which are designed to reduce inflammation, promote bone and joint healing, and wellness.)

This continued for approximately 4 weeks. The rationale behind the supplementation was to insure that my body had the necessary building blocks to heal and to provide additional anti-inflammatory support to my body during my recovery.

After 3 weeks, I returned to running for only shorter distances (under 5 miles). I was tapering back into other exercise routines with appropriate modifications which included increasing my warm up and cool down times and avoiding bending forward since I wasn’t 100% better.

The reason I chose to share my most recent LBP episode with you is because I have heard versions of this story over and over again from other runners, weekend warriors, and patients.  We really can be our own worst enemy!

As a PT, I should have known better than to run that day. As a runner and weekend warrior, the feeling that it may be a “mortal” sin to miss a scheduled run or work out can be a powerful temptation to do it even though your body may be telling you to reconsider.

As any frequent exerciser knows, a few aches and pains is par for the course. In fact, it’s pretty normal! Oddly, I will have just as many if not more, aches and pains when I stop running and exercising as when I’m regularly training.

The moral of my story is a reminder to be very self-discerning and self-aware to understand what is a typical ache and pain versus something more serious. In my case, not being able to walk normally due to pain should have been a clue not to run abnormally either. My abnormal running pattern that day is what led to the overuse injuries in both my calf and foot. What was surprising even to me was how fast the pain developed and turned into a true overuse injury in only the course of 3 miles!

If you’re not sure how to effectively and safely exercise your back or if you’re already experiencing low back pain, be sure to check out my Treating Low Back Pain (LBP) during Exercise and Athletics Book and Video Package.

Treating low back pain does not need to be difficult or expensive. For the approximate price of just one co-pay to see a doctor, you will receive my easy to read book with step-by-step instructions and a complete video package designed to help you prevent and self-treat reoccurring low back pain episodes.



If you have a question that you would like featured in an upcoming video or blog post, please comment below or submit your question to contact@thePhysicalTherapyAdvisor.com.  In case you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to my e-mail list and YouTube channel as well as join our community on Facebook by liking The Physical Therapy Advisor!

Why Does My Lower Back Hurt?

Have you ever wondered what exactly makes your back pain worse? Why does your back continue to hurt on and off again? Why does it seem to “act up” right at the wrong time? Is it something you are doing? Is there something seriously wrong? Is it just bad luck?

These are all fantastic questions. It’s time to answer the age old question as to why your back keeps hurting. Here are the top reasons why your back may be hurting and what to do about it.

The Top Reasons Why Your Back may be Hurting:

You smoke or vape.

Smoking is a major risk factor for low back pain (LBP). The chemicals in cigarette smoke affect both the lunges’ ability to exchange oxygen and the body’s normal healing response. These chemicals alter the blood supply to the discs and other spinal structures which affects nutrient exchange and increases the risk of pain. Healing time for all medical conditions worsen with smoking.

You’re biologically male.

Males have a higher risk of LBP. Females tend to experience more cervical or neck pain. (Obviously, you have very little control over this factor other than the knowledge that you’re at an increased risk if you are a male.)

It may be your parents’ fault.

A family history of low back pain increases your risk. In some cases, this may be due to actual structural deformities which may be genetically linked. More commonly, it’s a learned behavior, such as chronic sitting and slouching (poor posture), that can lead to a higher risk of LBP.

You’re pregnant.

Pregnancy increases your risk for LBP due to structural changes as the baby develops and hormones change. The expectant mother releases relaxin, a hormone which loosens the whole body, to prepare for the baby’s delivery. Again, a risk worth taking! Most women can manage the pain by modifying posture and movements while learning techniques for self-management.

You don’t exercise.

A sedentary lifestyle will increase your risk for LBP. The spine is designed to work and move. In order for the spine to remain healthy, it requires exercise and movement.

You sit for more than 2 hours a day.

Sitting for a long period of time not only affects your general health status in a negative way, but it also increases your risk for LBP. It’s even worse if you’re a heavy equipment operator who sits on a vibrating surface.

You have poor posture.

In western culture, we spend most of our day sitting slouched or standing hunched over. This is an excellent way to increase your risk for LBP. It’s one of the major risk factors for disc herniation and development of spinal stenosis.

You don’t warm up before exercise.

This is a common mistake which can lead to injury. Jump out of your bed in the morning without warming up, and then start your exercise routine. (Please don’t!) Instead, prepare your body for challenging activities in order to avoid injury. A warm up should consist of a cardiovascular component and a dynamic stretching routine of the actual exercises you will be performing to insure you’re ready for the movement. This is also pertinent for weightlifting and running.

You keep moving even when you’re exhausted.

This is a common problem among CrossFitters (including myself). Just keep pushing yourself even when you can’t see straight. Typically, this results in poor technique which further increases your risk. Combine poor technique with muscles which can no longer perform the proper movement pattern, and you’re likely to become injured. High Intensity Training (HIT) is a wonderful form of exercise and has many health benefits as long as you’re able to properly perform the exercise.

You’re using poor technique.

Poor technique, along with feeling exhausted, often occurs when performing exercises that are too advanced. Performing unfamiliar lifting techniques or lifting too much weight will likely result in poor technique. Please see your coach, athletic trainer or physical therapist for the proper technique for your activity of choice.

Your training volume is too high.

Who needs a rest day? ALL of us can benefit from taking a break. Training every day without regard to rest is an excellent way to cause over training syndrome and injury to your back.

You’ve experienced prior episodes of LBP.

Once you have experienced LBP, you are more likely to have re-current episodes. This may be the major reason why your low back pain re-occurs. This is partially due to weakness in the deep multifidus muscles that help support the spine and prevent shearing forces. This weakness can be addressed with proper physical therapy intervention. The loss of structural strength is the primary reason why your back pain continues to re-occur, and this can be changed.

Core strength does matter, but it is likely not what you think. Most people don’t quite understand the relationship between the “core” and lumbar stabilization. It’s way more than just doing sit-ups. In fact, sit-ups may actually make your back pain worse.

Low back pain is a serious and debilitating condition. It will either most certainly affect you or someone close to you. Be mindful of your risk factors and be pro-active in maintaining a healthy back! The good news is that nearly all low back pain is mechanical (meaning there is a physical reason for the pain). There are physical treatment options that not only can help you recover from the pain, but also to avoid re-occurring back pain!

If you’re not sure how to effectively and safely exercise your back or if you’re already experiencing low back pain, be sure to check out my Treating Low Back Pain (LBP) during Exercise and Athletics Book and Video Package.

Treating low back pain does not need to be difficult or expensive. For the approximate price of just one co-pay to see a doctor, you will receive my easy to read book with step-by-step instructions and a complete video package designed to help you prevent and self-treat reoccurring low back pain episodes.



If you have a question that you would like featured in an upcoming video or blog post, please comment below or submit your question to contact@thePhysicalTherapyAdvisor.com.  In case you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to my e-mail list and YouTube channel as well as join our community on Facebook by liking The Physical Therapy Advisor!

My Top 3 Videos on How to Self-Treat Knee Pain

Knee pain is a common complaint among exercisers and non-exercisers alike. So often the actual cause of the knee pain is actually a muscle imbalance elsewhere. Weakness in the hip musculature, particularly the deep hip external rotators muscles, is a common contributing factor for knee pain.

In the following videos, I demonstrate different exercises designed to specifically strengthen your hip and lower leg in order to address muscles imbalances common with knee pain. Addressing these muscle imbalances can lead to the permanent resolution of your knee pain and symptoms.

My Top 3 Videos to Self-Treat Knee Pain:

The Clamshell: A “go to” Exercise for Treating Foot, Hip, and Knee Pain – The clamshell exercise is a commonly prescribed exercise designed to target the hip abductors and hip external rotators. However, this exercise is often performed incorrectly or ineffectively. In this video, I demonstrate my preferred method of performing the clamshell exercise in order to insure optimal effectiveness.

How to Use the Clamshell Hip Exercise to Treat Knee Pain – Knee pain is the most common running related injury. The root cause of many of the most common knee related issues is hip weakness. One of the best ways to treat many common running aches and pains is to focus on strengthening these muscles which include the gluteus medius, the tensor fascia latae, and the other deep hip rotators. In this video, I demonstrate how to perform the clamshell exercise. It’s an excellent non-weight bearing exercise to work on hip rotator strength which will directly affect knee stability.

A Barbell Knee Stability Exercise for Runners – In this video, I demonstrate how to perform an advanced exercise known as the clock or star drill. It’s an excellent exercise to work on knee stability and balance while specifically focusing on quadriceps and hip strength.

If you’re interested in more thorough guide on how to self-treat knee pain, check out the Resilient Runner Program. This is the perfect guide to help you take control of your health and fitness as well as self-manage common aches, pains, and injuries. Even if you’re not a runner, this program is appropriate for those who love to stay active and want to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.


If you have a question that you would like featured in an upcoming video or blog post, please comment below or submit your question to contact@thePhysicalTherapyAdvisor.com. In case you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to my e-mail list and YouTube channel as well as join our community on Facebook by liking The Physical Therapy Advisor!

My Top 3 Most Popular Videos

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people are realizing the value of taking control of their health care and personal well-being. In today’s health care environment, we all need to learn how to treat common aches and pains proactively instead of reactively. We must get to the root of the issue instead of placing a Band-Aid over it. We must realize that our individual health is our responsibility. We cannot rely on others to make decisions for us. Our present health care system in America is not designed to help you optimize your health–that is your job!   

The purpose of The Physical Therapy Advisor is to help people like you to take control of your health and to save money by learning how to safely self-treat and manage common musculoskeletal, neurological, and mobility related conditions safely and effectively.

I created a YouTube channel in 2015, and I have been adding videos ever since in order to show you a variety of different things including my favorite tips and tricks, how to properly perform exercises, and how to use mobility bands and cupping.

The following videos are my most popular, but I encourage you to take a look around on my channel to see what is most pertinent for you and be sure to subscribe. Also, please let me know if there is a specific topic or condition that you’d like me to address in an upcoming video.

My Top 3 Most Popular Videos:

How to Use Shoulder Pulleys to Regain Shoulder Motion – Shoulder pulleys are an excellent way to use active assistive motion to regain motion in the shoulder post injury or surgery. In this video, I explain the basics of how the shoulder pulley works. They are frequently utilized early in the rehabilitation process to not only help regain motion, but to also promote blood flow which aids in the healing process.

How to Properly Perform Pendulum Exercises – In this video, I explain the basics of how to properly perform pendulum exercises. Although these exercises are basic, they are typically performed incorrectly by utilizing active motion instead of a passive motion. Pendulum exercises are commonly utilized after rotator cuff repair, sub acromial decompression surgery, collarbone fracture and/or surgery, total shoulder replacement/total shoulder arthroplasty, and frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis).

How to Use an Exercise Ball to Improve Posture and Treat Shoulder, Neck, and Back Pain – In this video, I demonstrate how to perform I’s, T’s, and Y’s exercises on an exercise ball in order to address lower and mid trapezius and scapula muscle weakness. Poor posture (due to poor thoracic mobility) and poor scapular muscle strength are often major contributors to neck, shoulder, and upper back pain.

Thank you for supporting The Physical Therapy Advisor! If you have a question that you would like featured in an upcoming video or blog post, please comment below or submit your question to contact@thePhysicalTherapyAdvisor.com. In case you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to my e-mail list and YouTube channel as well as join our community on Facebook by liking The Physical Therapy Advisor!

3 Easy Exercises to eliminate Wrist and Elbow Pain

Hand, wrist, and elbow pain is all too common (particularly, with computer, tablet, and phone use). Pain in any one of these locations affects all of us from time to time. The two most likely reasons for developing hand, wrist, and elbow pain are from overuse and poor posture.

Poor wrist, shoulder or thoracic mobility is also commonly related to hand, wrist and/or elbow pain. If the wrist cannot flex or extend properly, it not only causes wrist pain, but excessive stretching of the forearm muscles and strain on the elbow (possibly leading to pain). Poor shoulder or thoracic spine mobility can also cause excessive strain on the elbow, wrist and/or hand.

In this video post, I describe three easy exercises to help you quickly eliminate pain in your hand, wrist, and elbow. I demonstrate two simple stretches with an easy variation to improve their efficacy and teach you how to easily improve your hand and wrist strength using a simple rubber band.


Posture plays a critical role in the positioning of your extremities with movement and even when sitting (including office and/or computer work). Improper posture combined with poor ergonomics is a top reason to develop not only elbow pain, but also neck, upper back, shoulder, and wrist pain. Regardless if the activity is weightlifting or typing, your posture matters!

For additional ways to easily improve your posture and reduce pain in the arm/hand as well as the neck and shoulder, be sure to subscribe to my e-mail list to gain immediate access to My Top 8 Stretches to Eliminate Neck, Upper Back, and Shoulder Pain for step-by-step exercise instructions and photos.

Hand, wrist, and/or elbow pain can be debilitating and limit your ability to exercise, work on the computer or even use your phone. Be proactive in your care and management. If the pain persists, seek additional help. Don’t let the pain linger. The longer it’s left untreated, the more potential for harm and damage which potentially could lead to a longer recovery. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is an excellent resource for learning more about physical therapy as well as locating a physical therapist in your area.

Do you have any other favorite exercises or stretches to reduce hand, wrist or elbow pain? Please leave your comments below.

If you have a question that you would like featured in an upcoming blog post, please comment below or submit your question to contact@thePhysicalTherapyAdvisor.com. In case you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to my e-mail list and YouTube channel as well as join our community on Facebook by liking The Physical Therapy Advisor!

My Top 3 Most Popular Posts of 2019!

As 2019 comes to a close, more and more people are realizing the value of taking control of their health care and personal well-being. In today’s health care environment, we all need to learn how to treat common aches and pains proactively instead of reactively. We must get to the root of the issue instead of placing a Band-Aid over it. We must realize that our individual health is our responsibility. We cannot rely on others to make decisions for us. Our present health care system in America is not designed to help you optimize your health–that is your job!   

The purpose of The Physical Therapy Advisor is to help people like you to take control of your health and to save money by learning how to safely self-treat and manage common musculoskeletal, neurological, and mobility related conditions safely and effectively.

My Top 3 Most Popular Posts of 2019:

5 Tips to Ease Neck and Shoulder Pain – Neck and shoulder pain are one the most common ailments faced by people these days. That having been said, it can be mysterious, too. Pinpointing the exact cause for shoulder or neck problems can be particularly tricky as the underlying cause of the pain may be due to many differing factors. Discover the most common causes of neck and shoulder pain and tips on how to prevent and eliminate the pain.

Aging Well is Aging Gracefully – Aging gracefully is possible and will be different for everyone. You must be your greatest advocate. You have control over most of the aspects in your life that affect your ability to age well and gracefully. Start today by implementing these 4 tips to help you stay active and age gracefully!

An Easy Exercise to Prevent and Treat Shoulder Pain and Instability – Proper rotator cuff and scapular muscle strength is critical to preventing and treating shoulder pain. In this video post, I demonstrate one of my favorite rotator cuff and scapular stabilizing exercises using an exercise band. It works the lower trapezius, deltoid and rotator cuff muscles.

2019 has been an exciting year! Thank you for supporting The Physical Therapy Advisor!  I look forward to serving you in 2020! If you have a question that you would like featured in an upcoming blog post, please comment below or submit your question to contact@thePhysicalTherapyAdvisor.com. In case you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to my e-mail list and YouTube channel as well as join our community on Facebook by liking The Physical Therapy Advisor!

3 Causes of Hip-Pain Unrelated To Injuries

We’ve all been there… our hands clutching at our thighs in the hope of relieving hip-stress as we get up or sit down; a grimace on our faces as we try to grapple with what we think are signs of aging while easing into the bath; a frown as we get out of the car, straining to carry the weight in our legs, not our hips. Hip pain: most of us have experienced it, and if you’re reading this, you’re probably still suffering from its tell-tail discomfort. And yet, for most of you reading this, your pain isn’t related to any sort of injury you can think of – it just arrived and has decided to stay. The good news is, though its origins are unknown, hip-pain can be treated and alleviated. In this post, we’re looking at some of the reasons you might be suffering from hip discomfort – and better still – some of the ways in which you can become pain free, right now.

I know what you’re thinking – you haven’t fallen, tumbled, or tripped recently. In fact, you tend to take fairly good care of your hips in so far as you know how. And that’s great! The truth is, though, for the majority of us, joint health is something we don’t really consider in our daily activities. In other words, when it comes to our hips, we often don’t realize that small irregularities in our postures, habits, and routines, can affect the health of our hip joints in the long run. That having been said, take a look at some of the most common reasons you’re experiencing inexplicable pain in your hip area.

Sitting All Day
It’s possible you’ve already considered the fact that a largely sedentary lifestyle might be contributing to your hip pain – if so, you’re on the right track. Sitting for numerous hours a day will eventually lead to stiff, tight muscles, the presence of which will result in pain. Your hip joints are incredibly important when it comes to mobility – not moving or stretching them throughout the day will cause a decreased ability to move with comfort, hence the pulling, stabbing, or dull ache your feel when you leave for home or get out of bed in the mornings.

No Exercise
Your muscles and joints need to be lubricated, stretched, and strengthened in order for them to maintain their flexibility and functionality. And the best way to do this is… yes… you guessed it: exercise. Excluding exercise from your daily routine is a sure-fire way to end up experiencing hip-pain. If you don’t use your muscles often, they weaken and lose their ability to add structural support to your joints; in this way, then, weakening hip muscles can lead to damage in the hip joint, thereby causing and aggravating hip-pain.

Repeated Exercise Routines
Though exercise is a great way to keep your hip-joint healthy, the continual repetition of one single exercise, stretch, or routine can actually cause breakdown within the muscle, thereby aggravating hip-pain instead of alleviating it. Constantly focusing on one single type of activity places continuous pressure on one group of muscles, and so places stress on them whilst weakening those around them: this is the point at which injury, and thus the possibility of serious damage, may occur.

If you’re doing one, two, or even all of the above, don’t fear – your hip-pain can be dealt with. Fortunately, there are ways in which you can tackle and alleviate your pain. Take a look:

Doing stretches which target your hip area can be very helpful in loosening and lengthening tight, stiff muscles which may be causing you discomfort. Find the time to hit the mat and stretch out your hip muscles, even if it means getting up 10 minutes earlier.

Varied Exercise
Having realized that a sedentary lifestyle is causing you discomfort, it’s time to begin making some changes. Start by incorporating some exercises in the office: get up every 15 – 20 minutes, and walk for 2 minutes every 30 minutes. In addition, try adding some extra activities to your daily routine. Why not try walking for 30 minutes a day, or cycling along the promenade or in the park? Getting those muscles moving is essential for your recovery and pain-free life. Remember, though, vary your routine as you go along.

Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is by far the fastest and safest way to get rid of your hip pain, right now. If you’ve never considered physical therapy, or have misunderstood the benefits of this therapy, it’s time to reconsider. With the help of a hands-on, qualified, and dedicated physical therapist, you’ll not only be rid of your hip-pain once-and-for-all, but you’ll finally be given the information you’re looking for, thereby gaining peace of mind in the process. Unlike other forms of treatment which offer temporary, often harmful solutions for your pain, physical therapy tackles the root cause of the problem safely and non-invasively, thereby giving you permanent relief from your hip discomfort. In addition, a hands-on physical therapist is able to offer you tailor-made exercises and stretches to suit your needs, thus allowing you to maintain a pain free life and finally gain access to the lifestyle you dream of.

Hip-pain doesn’t need to be a precursor to a life of immobility: it can be overcome and you can gain access to the active, mobile, healthy lifestyle you dream of. By following the above tips, and by contacting a professional, hands-on physical therapist, you’ll be saying goodbye to your surprising discomfort in no time. Don’t waste even a moment more puzzling over the cause; find the answers you’re searching for – and take the actions needed – right now. To learn more about physical therapists or find one in your area, visit the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).

If you have a question that you would like featured in an upcoming blog post, please comment below or submit your question to contact@thePhysicalTherapyAdvisor.com. In case you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to my e-mail list and YouTube channel as well as join our community on Facebook by liking The Physical Therapy Advisor!

Why You Should Take Time to Focus on Your Health

The United States spends more money by a wide margin than any other country on health care.  Our health care system is set up to keep us from dying, not thriving.  Our average life span barely makes it in the top 30 when compared to other nations.  As it stands now, the American health care system is poorly equipped to help us maximize our health span.  Health span is defined as a period of time in which a person is generally healthy and free from serious disease.

Health care costs in America continue to increase without actual positive change in our health status as consumers.  It is imperative that we take a leadership role in our own health care by continuing to be proactive.  Part of being proactive is learning how to care for and manage common non-life threatening injuries and illnesses.  The medical system is not designed to help you to maximize your health and well-being.  It is designed to prevent you from dying and to maximize profits for the corporatocracy that controls our health care system.  It is imperative that we manage our health by learning how to self-treat non-life threatening and non-emergent injuries and illnesses.  Continue reading to discover the 6 reasons Why You Should Take Time to Focus on Your Health.

My Top 3 Most Popular Posts of 2018!

As 2018 comes to a close, more and more people are realizing the value of taking control of their health care and personal well-being.  In today’s health care environment, we all need to learn how to treat common aches and pains proactively instead of reactively.  We must get to the root of the issue instead of placing a Band-Aid over it.  We must realize that our individual health is our responsibility.  We cannot rely on others to make decisions for us.  Our present health care system in America is not designed to help you optimize your health–that is your job!   

The purpose of The Physical Therapy Advisor is to help people like you to take control of your health and to save money by learning how to safely self-treat and manage common musculoskeletal, neurological, and mobility related conditions safely and effectively.

My Top 3 Most Popular Posts of 2018:

  1. Does Kinesiological Tape Really Work? – You will learn what can you use Kinesiological tape for and how exactly it works.  You’ll discover why it’s best used in combination with other interventions (such as manual therapy based techniques and exercise).
  2. How to Use an Exercise Ball to Improve Posture and Treat Shoulder, Neck, and Back Pain – Poor posture (due to poor thoracic mobility) and poor scapular muscle strength are often major contributors to neck, shoulder, and upper back pain.  In this video post, I demonstrate how to perform I’s, T’s, and Y’s exercises on an exercise ball in order to address lower and mid trapezius and scapula muscle weakness.
  3. How to Prevent Overtraining Syndrome (OTS) – You will discover why Overtraining Syndrome (OTS) not only impedes your immediate performance, but it also substantially increases your risk of injury.  Implement these recommended prevention strategies in order to avoid OTS while keeping your training at a high level.  Also, be sure to check out my book, Preventing and Treating Overtraining Syndrome.

2018 has been an exciting year!  Thank you for supporting The Physical Therapy Advisor!  I look forward to serving you in 2019!  If you have a question that you would like featured in an upcoming blog post, please comment below or submit your question to contact@thePhysicalTherapyAdvisor.com.  In case you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to my e-mail list and join our community on Facebook by liking The Physical Therapy Advisor!